Automobile Education

1. Diploma in Automobile Technology
I year

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Automobile Theory

3. General Automobile Rules & Regulations

4. Diesel Engine Mechanism

5. Practical

II- Year

1. Two Wheeler Mechanism

2. Four Wheeler Mechanism

3. Automobile Electronics

4. Petrol & Diesel Engine Technology

5. Practical

2. Diploma in Heavy motor Vehicle mechanism

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Petrol & Diesel Engine Technology

3. Heavy motor Vehicle Mechanism

4. Automobile Electronics

5. Practical

3. Four Wheeler Mechanics (1)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Four Wheeler Mechanism

3. Automobile Electronics

4. Petrol & Diesel Engine Technology

5. Practical

4. CAR A/C Mechanic ( 6 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Car A/c Mechanism

3. Practical

5. Two wheeler mechanic (6 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Two Wheeler mechanism

3. Practical

6. Backhoe loader operation & maintenance (6 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Backhoe loader operation & maintenance

3. Practical

7. Crane Operation & maintenance (2 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Crane operation & maintenance

3. Practical

8. Forklift ope & Main ( 3 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Fork lift oper & Maintenance

3. Practical

9. Hydraulic Excavator Operator & Maintenance ( 3 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Hydraulic excavator oper & maintenance

3. Practical

10. Heavy Crane ope & Management ( 3 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Heavy Crane oper & Management

3. Practical

11. Gas Welder ( 6 Months)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Gas welding Techniques

3. Practical

12. CNC machine operation (Turning & Milling)

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Tools, machinery & Ganges

3. Basic production & manufacturing

4. Engineering Drawing

5. Practical

13. Light motor vehicle mechanism

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Tools & Equipments – Petrol Engine

3. Tools Equipments – Diesel Engine

4. Engineering Drawing

5. Practical

14. Diploma in Automobile & Engineering Techniques

1. Communicative English and Office Automation

2. Automobile body, Chassis & Transmission

3. Automobile power Plant, Fuel Supply & Performance

4. Auto Electrical & Automobile

5. Practical

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