1. Diploma in Visual impairment
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Introduction to disabilities
3. Implications of visual impairment
4. Teaching of plus curricular activities
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Teaching social studies
2. Educational Psychology
3. Education of children with low vision
4. General Science content cum methodology
5. Practical
2. Master Diploma in impairment
1. Educational psychology
2. Advanced education of children with low vision
3. Advanced teaching of plus curricular activities
4. Implications of visual impairment
5. Practical
3. Diploma in special Education (Deaf Blindness)
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Introduction disabilities
3. Implications of visual impairment & Deaf Blindness
4. Teaching of plus curricular activities
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Teaching social studies – Content cum methodology
2. Educational psychology
3. Education of children with Deaf Blindness
4. General science content cum methodology
5. Practical
4. Master Diploma in special Education ( Deaf Blindness )
1. Educational Psychology
2. Advanced education of children with deaf Blindness
3. Advanced Teaching of plus curricular Activities
4. General Activities
5. Practical
5. Diploma in hearing impairment
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Nature & Need of various disabilities
3. Education in India : A Global Perspective
4. Educational psychology & Persons with Disabilities
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Educational Planning and management
2. Facilitating development of language & Communication skills in children with hearing impairment.
3. Audiology and Rural rehabilitation
4. Speech to speech teaching to the children with hearing impairment
5. Practical
6. Master Diploma hearing impairment
1. Developing skills in children with hearing impairment
2. Advanced Audiology
3. Rural Rehabilitation
4. Advanced speech and speech to the children with hearing impairment
7. Diploma in mental retardation
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Developments in special education
3. Advanced educational psychology & human development
4. Research methodology 7 Statistics
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Management in special education
2. Educational Technology
3. Curriculum Development for mental retardation
4. Identification Assessment & Needs of children with mental retardation
5. Practical
8. Master Diploma in Mental retardation
1. Advanced educational technology
2. Curriculum Development for mental retardation
3. Advanced management techniques of children with mental retardation
4. Procedure to mental retardation
5. Practical
9. Diploma in Early childhood special education
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Introduction to early childhood special education
3. Classification – Educational. Psychological and medical
4. Early childhood special education
5. Practical
10. Diploma in Learning disability
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Developments in special education
3. Advanced Educational psychology & Human Development
4. Research methodology & Statistics
5. Practical
II – Year
1. Management in special education
2. Educational Technology
3. Curriculum Development
4. Learning & Disability identification Assessment
5. Practical
11. Master Diploma in Learning Disability
1. Advanced Educational Technology
2. Advanced management in special education
3. Management of Disability
4. Identification Assessment
5. Practical
12. Diploma in Ear mould Technology
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Procedure to make Ear moulds
3. Electro acoustic analysis
4. Trouble shooting & Repair of Ear Moulds
5. Practical
13. Diploma in Community based rehabilitation
I year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Principles and methods of CBR approach & Management
3. Identification and rehabilitation mental illness, epilepsy
4. Identification and rehabilitation of persons with visual impairment
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Identification and rehabilitation of persons with mental retardation
2. Identification and rehabilitation of persons with locomotors disability
3. Socio –Economic rehabilitation of persons with impairment
4. Psychology
5. Practical
14. Diploma in Rehabilitation psychology
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Perspectives on disability
3. Models of disability and rehabilitation
4. Rehabilitation psychology
5. Practical
II – Year
1. Psychological Assessment 7 Evaluation
2. Psychological Rehabilitation and intervention
3. Vocational Guidance & Counseling
4. Special education
5. Practical
15. Diploma in hearing language and speech
I year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Introduction – Historical perspective
3. Medical Etiology
4. core Deficits
5. Practical
II – Year
1. Clinical features and characteristics
2. Human Growth & Development
3. Areas of Development
4. Child psychology
5. Practical
16. Diploma in Rehabilitation Therapy
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Human Anatomy
3. Human Development
4. Psychology, Sociology & Counselling
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Research Methodology
2. Statistics
3. Disability & Rehabilitation
4. Physical Agents & Exercise Therapy
5. Practical
17. Master Diploma in rehabilitation Therapy
1. Statistics & Research methodology
2. Advanced Disability
3. Rehabilitation
4. Advanced physical agents & Exercise therapy
5. Practical
18. Diploma in Rehabilitation Science
I Year
1. Communicative English and Office Automation
2. Assessment and Testing
3. Research methodology and statistics
4. Learning disability
5. Practical
II- Year
1. Rehabilitation case work & Counselling
2. Visual Impairment
3. Hearing impairment
4. Mental retardation
5. Practical